Thursday, March 31, 2011


In our efforts to keep everyone updated, Kristin checked to make sure we'd have internet access at the hotels and we were very pleased to find out there is free wifi at both.  This was for the two hotels where the parents/sibs are staying.  I see the students' second hotel has wifi in their guest rooms, but I'm unsure if it's free.  Great news and makes emailing back home a good alternative to those expensive phone calls and texts.  Not that it's worth bringing something valuable like a computer, but certain cell phones, iPods, and iPads can utilize wifi to email (or update Facebook!).  Keeping this in mind, our updates to this blog will usually be made from the hotel unless something happens I NEED to share with you.


  1. The Student Hotel in Nice (Valbonne, the Sophia Antipolis) has free Wi-Fi. Additionally, CDG has 15 minutes of free Wi-Fi. Just a thought.

  2. Thanks, Joe! And, yes, we will let everyone know we've arrived. Great job with your blog. I want to add the clock to this page. What a great idea!!
